Propono (Latin): to put or set forth, to set or lay out, to offer, to place before, expose to view, display, point out, declare, represent, report, say, relate, set forth, publish, etc.

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Propono, ergo sum?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Interesting article on LDS DC power brokers, politicos, etc.

Last month, 800 Mormons packed a ballroom in the Georgetown Marriott for a meeting of the Brigham Young University Management Society. They sipped fruit juice and dined on filet mignon while chatting about baptisms, weddings, missions - and running the country.

This is D.C. table talk - Mormon style. And its echoes can be heard in the halls of Congress.

Though their numbers are still relatively small, legions of Latter-day Saints are tucked into every corner of the nation's capital. And we're not just talking about Orrin Hatch, Bob Bennett, Harry Reid and Mike Leavitt.

Salt Lake Tribune - Search


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