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Friday, January 20, 2006

Church sign generator

This picture has been making the e-mail rounds lately (in reference to LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley's encouragement to Latter-day Saints to read the Book of Mormon in 2005, before the end of the year).

It's a funny picture, but it turns out it's not genuine. There's a great site ( that will create any message you want on this "church's" sign. For example:

I also came across, which will do a similar trick with a variety of signage, including Wrigley Field's marquee.

It's a great gimmick, but beware: you can spend way too much time thinking of what to put on these signs. :) Have fun!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are fun. Here is a great sign I ran across.

:) We always love to read Propono--thanks for the great links, ideas, and insights.

4:48 PM


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