Post-Thanksgiving post
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We had a great holiday here in the Northwest, and we even got some snow yesterday evening here in Seattle!
A few random tidbits for you:
- Hilarious. The Show with ZeFrank (Thanksgiving episode here, if you've got time for just one).
- Podcasts for your Zune (at last!)
- Computerworld on how Zune can/should compete with the iPod
- And, Zune-hacking begins in earnest (see above, as well -- given his argument, such hacking is good for Zune)
iPod or Zune this holiday season?
And what else is on the wish-list?
Although many people have told me they're surprised, I am still iPod/Zune/other-music-player free. And there won't be one under the tree for me this year, either. I'm hoping that in the next few years, the whole DRM mess gets cleared up. However, I'm not seeing rave reviews about the Zune, and despite today's WSJ article about iPods breaking, I think I would have to go with Apple if I were to buy one of the two. (There are, of course, many good competitors to the two.)
On my wish list?
- The new Nikon D80. And some time to take a picture now and then.
- A new Vista machine (post-holidays, given the unfortunate consumer release date)
- Office 11 (I can't wait for the 1 million rows in Excel, although I'm not all that psyched about the ribbon)
- Adobe CS3 (whenever it comes out)
- Most of all, a little more peace in this world
But more realistically, I just want to enjoy the holidays with family and friends, find a few minutes to read a good book, and listen to a little music--hey, maybe an iPod isn't out of the picture after all.
Happy holidays to the whole propono crew!
7:44 PM
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